Friday, September 24, 2010

Customer Experiences

            This week we’ve been learning about customer experiences. One customer experience that I can say was amazing is the time I got iLasik eye surgery. In order to describe how amazing this customer experience was, I have to give you a description of just how horrible not being able to see was.

            When I was younger, I competed in track and it was very important in my life. Running with contacts or glasses while trying to jump hurdles was annoying and dangerous. The dirt constantly got in my contacts, which was just painful. Then there were moments when the right amount of wind would come and dry up my lenses. I ended up getting an eye infection, which was just humiliating. When I was forced to wear glasses, they were always falling. If ever I took my glasses off, I was only able to see human silhouettes. I grew accustomed to identifying individuals by the colors they were wearing or the sounds of their voices. I remember my vision being so bad that I couldn’t read a giant Wal-Mart sign. That’s when my eye doctor told me I was close to being legally blind. 

            The horrible part wasn’t even the inconvenience of glasses or contacts, but really the fact that I had grown used to not being able to see. I didn’t remember what it was like to look for details. I didn’t pay attention to things around me, because there didn’t seem to be a point anymore. This impacted my learning, because I couldn’t see the board in class.

            When my parents finally agreed to let me get the medical procedure, I went in for a consultation. Although I was eager to see, I wasn’t exactly too excited about having anyone cut my eye open. In a private room, the doctor sat down with my mother and myself to discuss exactly what was going to be done. He shared with me some recordings of successful surgeries and allowed me to see for myself (no pun intended) that there would be no feelings of pain. He didn’t leave until I was completely comfortable scheduling the surgery.

            What I remember most about my surgery were the moments that the staff created for me before and after the procedure. To emphasize the drastic change, the doctors wanted me to take several eyesight exams. Before the procedure, I squinted to see the big letter “E” at the top of the chart. After the operation, the staff rushed me back to the same room and, with my eyes still blurry, I already had 20/15. It was a life changing experience. I hadn’t even noticed how beautiful the examination room was. They were aware of what a big difference this would be for me, so they made sure I was able to fully appreciate my eyesight before having to cover up my eyes. With every checkup that followed my surgery, my vision got better and better. They called me regularly to track my progress. 

            Stepping back to analyze my experience, it was the staff that really added value. Many members of the staff had received the same treatment, so they had a clear understanding of what this experience would mean to the patient, and how best to associate that experience with their office. Now whenever I think back to that moment, I can’t help but remember the employees that shared it with me. Whether or not they actually did, they made me feel like they genuinely cared. The doctor even telephoned me himself at times. It was almost as if they were giving me a gift, despite the fact that I paid for it, and who doesn’t like gifts? So when we discussed in class how positive experiences increase the likelihood of customer loyalty, I had to fully agree because that same staff still handles my regular exams. 

1 comment:

  1. Erika,

    As a lasik surgery taker, I cannot agree with you more- the surgery is like a gift! Yes, indeed, the patient-doctor and patient-staff relationships are important factor to build a consumer loyalty in the context of healthcare industry. Their emotional and faithful care would impact on their patients a lot in various aspects. Unique personal experience with a good description. Good job!
