Wednesday, September 15, 2010


After reading about the persona lifecycle, I found several things to be particularly interesting. First, I enjoyed the statement, “complete personas include concrete facts as well as narrative and storytelling elements.” What I enjoyed most about this was the concept that, like an author, you bring a persona to life. This persona has likes, dislikes, design, evaluate, and release your products.” How cool is that? It reminds me of being young and having an imaginary friend. The only differences are that this type of imaginary friend is socially acceptable, nobody thinks you’re weird, and they hear suggestions from that person too.

Another idea that I found to be intriguing was the industry practice of teams maintaining constant assumptions about the persona. This practice leaves no room for any individual teammate to deviate, because doing so is detrimental to the project. I found this interesting because of the level of difficulty that must accompany this process. Essentially, every team member must share similar persona facts and be able to follow the same narrative. This may seem simple, but have you ever noticed how someone can read a book and interpret it differently from the director of a movie? This is after the fact that the book is already written, so I can only imagine having multiple writers like a television series.

So when asked to create my own persona, I figured, “What the heck, I saw A Beautiful Mind.”

The Blunt Busy Bee Persona

Lifestyle Characteristics
·      She’s a fourth generation Mexican American who speaks Spanish only with her family.
·      She keeps everything planned on her Smartphone and feels nude without it.
·      She enjoys having the latest technology.
·      Her dog is a pet, child, running companion, and good listener.
·      Hates to clean, but hates the mess even more.
·      She has strong brand loyalty.
·      She wants her products to perform as promised and when they don’t she will let everyone know about it.
·      She’s willing to run the extra two miles for chili on her fries.
·      Time is of the essence, so she likes things quick: fast food, fast Internet, fast shipping, fast running, and fast service.
·      A new pair of shoes can cure almost any ailment.
·      She aims to find the perfect balance of fashionable and comfortable every morning.
·      The unrealistic models in commercials turn her off.
·      She speaks two languages and is working on her third.
·      She has studied abroad in France.
·      She’s so competitive she won’t let her 5 year-old niece win at tic-tac-toe.
·      She frequently contemplates the future.
·      Rarely has an opportunity to watch T.V.
·      She can never understand art, but thinks it’s cool how people express themselves differently.
·      She’s never been drunk or smoked a cigarette. Peer pressure is stupid.
·      She believes every product should aim to make lives easier. If a product comes with a large manual, she doesn’t want it.
·      She despises pop up ads.
·     She takes pride in budgeting and researching products before purchasing.  


Role Models
·      Carlos Slim Helu
·      Martha Stewart
·      Steve Jobs
·      Mother Teresa
·      Her parents

·      Dream big. Perform bigger.
·      Hold the alcohol. My life is crazy enough already.
·      I can do anything with the right outfit.
·      Catch me if you can. 

  • Running
  • Fashion
  • Baking
  • Traveling 
  • The Bible

  • Kids: 0
  • Income: $0
  • Siblings: 4
  • Age: 20 
  • Gender: Female

  •          Discipline
  •          Honesty
  •          Family
  •          Education
  •          Religious Tolerance
  •       Punctuality

·      Find a job that is both profitable and self-fulfilling.
·      Become a better person with each day that passes.
·      Learn Jiu-Jitsu.

1 comment:

  1. Erika - Great job on this. So fun getting to know you better through this exercise. Unfortunately, the pictures didn't show up for me, but the details were still really good.
